Silver Stud — or not

Posted by Robin

Reader Review

Name of Product: Silver Stud Butt Plug
Product Description: Metallic-ish silver, 3-1/4″ insertable length; 1-1/8″ at widest point, 3/4″ neck.
Manufacturer: Tantus
Price (approximate): 13.00
Where purchased:

Overall recommendation: smooch!
What she actually said: “This thing sucks.  Yep, I wrote ’sucks’. While I find the style of this plug amusing and it is easy to insert, this toy did not arouse me one-tenth as much as it annoyed me.   I won’t go so far as to say that it ruined the kinky afternoon of ass-tastic delights my lovers and I had planned, but it certainly put a damper on things!  The first time we tried it, I was bent over Boi’s knee for the spanking I so richly deserved.  After a few swats, it popped out.  Okay, fine.  It was a hard spanking.  Probably very jarring. Our Grrl dutifully ran to the sink to rinse it off so we could try again.

This time, I was on my knees, plug firmly wedged in place, Boi poised to enter The Heavenly Home with the strap on.  *Blurp*, there it went, from my ass to Boi’s waiting hand.  Quick reflexes, that one.  Patient, too, as you will see.  Peeved, I snatched it away and jammed it back in, to the giggly delight of Grrl.  “Just keep your thumb on it,” I said grimly, “it’ll be fine.”  Alas, I was wrong.  After a few thrusts, the incorrigible plug started slipping out, pushing against Boi’s thumb, deliberately, insolently. I swear it was smirking at me when it hit the floor.  I wasn’t going to let it win.  No way, sister.  I bought that damned punk-rawk plug for my ass, it was mine, I owned it, and it was going to stay in my ass whether it wanted to or not.  Heel, buttplug! 

I stuck the plug in again, then contorted myself into a precarious, quasi-yogic position.  It defies description, but I can tell you that my pelvis was in the air and the plug was pressed against the heel of my bare foot.  Whatever you can picture probably isn’t as ridiculous and stupid looking as the reality.  After adjusting a bit, I looked over to see my Boi and Grrl laughing the kind of silent, teary, hysterical laughter that can only be triggered by witnessing something so absurd.   Feeling sheepish,  I collapsed giggling into their laps.  The Silver Stud slid smoothly out of my body to the floor, where it glimmered in the afternoon sun, mocking me.

June 13, 2006. Butt Plugs, Readers. No Comments.